Sunday, August 18, 2019

No obituary for Dodos

The wheels of destiny

Yesterday I got out of  the train at the Central railway station, after an overnight journey, The red shirted porters jumped in the compartment looking for  passengers with heavy luggage. But, except a few most of the passengers didn't even notice the porters - as luggage with wheels has become the norm.
I felt sad for the thousands of porters around the world, who have been made irrelevant with just a small technical addition made by some design engineer - 2 tiny wheels! 
The wheels on the box go round and round ... 
Knock-Out punch out of the blue
While KravMaga sparring, sometimes I get hit by a kick or punch which came out of the blue, I used to feel stupid for not noticing that coming.
That's what happens to many business too. A small technical tweak in the product can wipe away thousands of jobs. like a sweeping plague.
Billboard artists and wall painting artists became irrelevant overnight when digital printing was introduced.

Movie publicity cut-outs were a craze till 90s!

Talented wall painting artists are rare now 

No obituary for Dodos
When I entered advertising industry in the 90s, the Art Directors were Prima-donnas. That was until the Apple McIntosh entered the industry and within 2 years hijacked graphic design out of the Art-Director's fiefdom.

Steve Jobs's McIntosh separated Graphics from Art

In their place stepped in the yuppy  "Cats with Mouse" who rewrote the grammar of communication graphics. The Art Directors who smirked at these 'insensitive' machines became Dodos quickly, and spent the days drowning their sorrows in whiskey, nostalgically rambling about the 'good old days'. to whoever bothered to listen to them.

1980s advertising Art-Director who said PCs cant replace him

Two sides to the coin

The Innovation also will create job somewhere else while killing jobs in one area.
After Zoom car came in I don't engage a driver when travelling.  I just click my app, get in driver's seat and follow the GPS directions, even if the town is strange and the local language doesn't make sense.
The local cab drivers who are losing revenue to self-driven rental cars are probably getting new business from aggregators like Ola.

Change focal length

Only Businesses and Individuals who are agile and adaptive will survive these technology knock-out blows.
Classic case is the mobile industry - the largest peddler of Information, Communication & Entertainment in a single device. Mobile brands like Nokia or Blackberry which did not foresee or adapt this technology trend are Dodos now.

One small tip to get this ability to adapt and survive is - Don't focus on your product /Service in isolation. Change the focal length to see the industry as a whole and assess in which direction is it moving.
Do a stock taking to ask the uncomfortable question "Will I still be relevant in the future?"

SreeRam spent 3 decades in advertising and leading MarCom initiatives for product and service companies in Chennai. He can be connected on -

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Always SHOW. Never TELL.

Ever wonder why looking at others' SELFIES irritate most of us?
I can think of 3 reasons at the least  -
1. Those who don't have anything of value to convey, show themselves
2. Only a hollow Narcissist will take the trouble of imposing unsolicited mug shots on unsuspecting public
3. Some good landscapes, cityscapes are spoiled by silly selfies in the foreground

In marketing and advertising, many of us do something stupidly similar to selfies. We make empty statements which ...
1. doesn't mean anything specific to the consumer - 
  "Brings out the inner you" "Your life will be complete with (whatever they peddle)"
2. gives some numbers which cant be verified -
   "reduces hair fall by 33.5 % says 87% of our users" - Did someone actually count the number of hairs falling daily, before and after using this product?
3. sounds phoney with the cliched hyperbole  -
"Path breaking technology" "Once in a lifetime offer"

Cartoon by Tom Fishburne whose amazing works can be enjoyed at
 Always SHOW. Never TELL.
The best way to gain credibility and establish authenticity in the target market is -
1. Show a video / picture / link to news story which shows what you claim -
Use available free social media channels to air videos of actual achievements, mile stones. Nothing speaks louder than a visual.
2. Reduce hyperbole -
The consumer shuts you off if barraged by empty airy vague unverifiable claims. If you listen to yourself you will realise that you sound like a con-man
3. Don't communicate if you don't have anything of value to convey -
Constant communication is a put off like someone making persistent small talk or even worse talking about themselves.
Only when you have something specific to say, show that. 😀
SreeRam 0-934006600
Nathans Media Group

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Touch points to Tipping Point

One of the frequent and anxious question asked by the client to ad-agency is ..

"I spent Rs. 40000 on that news-paper ad!
 I got only 4 phone-calls. Why?"

"I distributed 10000 leaflets last week!
 Only 7 Customers walked in! Why?"

Sometimes, the ad-agency is even accused of making the client over-spend or for bad creative execution.
This anguish is pretty reasonable, if the Client's Product is of reasonable quality, the price is competitive and it does satisfy some specific need of the target audience. The Client expected the target audience to respond, but he is left grumbling - 
“I have offered a fair deal.
Why is the Customer not coming in and purchasing the product?!”
Why this big difference between Expectation and Reality, when it comes to generating sales?!
Well, the marketing reality which one finds out over time is -
"Customers don't make a purchasing decision impulsively;
especially, more the value of the purchase, more the Customer deliberates."
Why this deliberation?
A potential customer needs reassurance of his choice and this happens over a sequence of Touchpoints with the brand. 

A typical scenario will be as follows -
Let’s assume you are keen to buy a car. Unconsciously you start noticing car advertisements - (Touchpoint No:1).
Then you keep staring at various makes and models of cars, while commuting. In course of time your heart starts short-listing some favourites - (Touchpoint No:2). 

One day while filling up fuel you strike up a conversation with the driver of the nearby car, which is one of your short-listed choice - (Touchpoint No:3). 
Another time, you pick up a auto magazine and read a review of the car - (Touchpoint No:4). 
You pick the brain of the mechanic, at the garage where you go regularly (Touchpoint No:5). 
In the meanwhile you see more of advertisements of the car you like most (Touchpoint No:6).
You go online and read various review sites. You compare your choice with competing models (Touchpoint No:7). 

You go to the car dealer and experience a test drive(Touchpoint No:8).
Now you have decided in favour of the car and sit down with your chequebook.
A minimum of 7 touchpoints with the brand has to happen, before the tipping point to make the purchase decision happens.
The critical point for the Client to note, every touchpoint has to reassure the Customer and reinforce his initial opinion. Your product, pricing and promotion has to work coherently, without any dissonance.
So next time, don’t panic if the Customer doesn’t come barging in immediately after seeing your advertisement. Give him time and nurture him till the tipping point.
(In the next blog, I will talk of the kinds of Customers, which is another variable affecting the purchase decision.)
Please leave your comments and suggestions below.
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SreeRam is a marketing communications consultant for SMBs – based in Chennai, South India.
The work of his consultancy firm can be viewed by clicking on NATHAN’S MEDIA GROUP.
He can be reached by calling 0-934 000 66 00 or mailing -

Monday, October 15, 2012

Case Study Papers - How to make them a killer marcom tool

 Recently the design team at my client eNoah Solutions wanted to pick my brain on the case-studies they would like to have on their website. I told them I will come back to them with a structure and sat down to write the salient points of a good case-study paper.
Then it dawned on me "Why not use this opportunity to practice what I preach!" So here its a sample case study on case-study!
(Right Click on the image below and open in NEW WINDOW for a readable view)

Had fun doing this.. so more to follow on similar communication tools
Please leave your comments and suggestions below.
If you like this post, share it with your friends using the Social links on the right side of this post
SreeRam is a marketing communications consultant for SMBs – based in Chennai, South India.
The work of his consultancy firm can be viewed by clicking on NATHAN’S MEDIA GROUP.
He can be reached by calling 0-934 000 66 00 or mailing -

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

5 ways to be a success on Facebook

5 ways to be a success on Facebook -
         1.       Be Regular
         2.       Be Relevant
         3.       Be Fun
         4.       Be Varied
         5.       Be Family
Earlier I had given tips on better blogging, effective emails and productive PR. Now I share a few tips on facebook marketing, after running my personal page and a page for passion/business- since 2008.
Be Regular -
·         * Anything done in a sporadic manner lacks credibility.
      Your audience will start doubting your commitment to them.
·        *  Even in bad times don't stop communicating.
      A classic example from politics is DMK leader Karunanidhi. He was out of power for 14 years when MGR was Chief Minister of TamilNadu. But Karuna held the DMK party together through the trough. DMK's vote share took only a small beating, since he was engaging his cadres with activities. Eventually, when MGR died, Karuna could win the next election easily – after 14 years!
That’s the power of constant engagement.

Be Relevant -
·        *  Fix objectives for your page.
Ask yourself "Why I am communicating on FB? What am I trying to achieve?" Once the goal is defined, all your posts, replies and comments should reinforce that objective.
·         * What could be the Objectives, is a separate post, which will follow at a later date.
·         However tempting it may be to post something interesting but not relevant to the product / service, DON’T post.

You are giving your audience opportunity to go off on a tangent.
If it happens regularly, your community will stop looking at you as a subject-matter expert. The intense committed audience will go away and you will be left with the periphery crowd.  
Your rejoinder may be "Won't I bore my audience?!"
Be Fun -
·         * Sticking to the objective doesn't necessarily mean you have to dour and monotonous.
 Change your tone and let your hair down once in a while. That will be refreshing.
·         * Take off the Teacher or Parent hat and wear the Friend hat once in a while
Being academic and always advising is one of the effective ways of putting off your people. Haven't we seen enough self-righteous Teachers and Parents!
Be Varied -
·        *  Engage your audience with multimedia.
Even while not deviating from the core offering, give images, jokes, real incidents, blogs, news and videos. Research has clearly shown that a post with visual content has higher chances of getting read than a plain text one.
·         * Remember you are creating touch points with somebody
Even if you don’t see Likes or Comments don't give up. Be pragmatic to the fact that majority don’t take the effort to react openly in a forum.
I post cartoons regularly on my personal page. When I meet some friends they mention they loved some cartoon of mine, even though they haven’t responded on the page. That’s how some people are! Accept it.
Be Family -
·         * Do NOT assume all conversations have to originate from you.
Encourage people to have their own discussions, as long as it is relevant.

·         * It’s a sign of a good healthy community, when all participants talk and interact amongst themselves.
You can be happy you have done your job in converting 'your' facebook page to 'their' page
Please leave your comments and suggestions below.
If you like this post, share it with your friends using the Social links on the right side of this post
SreeRam is a marketing communications consultant for SMBs – based in Chennai, South India.
The work of his consultancy firm can be viewed by clicking on NATHAN’S MEDIA GROUP.
He can be reached by calling 0-934 000 66 00 or mailing -

Monday, April 2, 2012


"Ever since her grand son taught her to blog,
she never pampers us"
Everybody and his uncle is into blogging.. 
which just shows how dormant creativity is waiting to be unleashed inside everyone of us.
Here are some tips to make your blogs more engaging.. 
Imperative if you are blogging with a commercial agenda …
just useful if you are blogging to make the world know your viewpoint.

  • Ideally the posts should be between 300 to 500 words.
  • Don't demand people's attention for more than a few minutes.
  • One Post = One Idea
  • Take one idea and stick to it. No need for extensive elaboration.
    in other words...
  • This is a rule in constructing a scene in movies - Without getting embroiled in what happened before this scene, the narration starts with some minimum cues to make sense for the viewer..and, once the purpose of the scene in the story is served, narration moves on to next scene.
  • Similarly, edit your preamble and summing ups.

  • Everybody likes to avoid being morose and monotonous.

  • Bare your heart and be provocative
  • Remember, you can be either loved or hated, but never ignored.

  • If your subject is serious and cannot brook any dilution, make the blog post short and indicate what the reader can expect if he wants to dig down further, by clicking that link.

  • Branding is a long term exercise and it’s all about taking up a Character & Attitude.
  • So your language and presentation should be consistent enough to reinforce the mental image you want to portray.

  • ..unlike me.

     SreeRam, Communications Consultant,
Chennai, India.
TWEET - @kravMagaSreeRam

Friday, December 3, 2010

Is it PR? When courier boys become power brokers!

When courier boys become power brokers
" any ministry, if there is no vested interest in a proposal, nobody is interested to push it forward and upward. It gets a silent burial."
Last month, just a few days before the Nira Radia tapes kicked up dirt, I was in a radio debate on the "future of PR", which was moderated by Sanjay Pinto, of NDTV.
Sanjay Pinto, at one point, strongly made a statement that the PR fraternity were mostly doing a 'courier' job. Oh yeah! I smugly smirk now since Nira Radia just proved what heights a proactive 'courier' girl can reach!
Lobbying - is the second oldest profession
Lobbying to get the attention of powers-that-be towards an issue did not start with Nira Radia. All the industrial bodies were formed to collectively conduit the aspirations of an industry. What do CII, NASSCOM or any industrial body do in the months before the March budget presentation? Go to Tirupathi and pray?
Come on now, grow up, please. Accept the reality in any system where there is concentration of power, influencers will thrive like amoeba. In the corridors of power at Delhi or any nation's capital, every file in every ministry has the tag of a lobbyist.
In fact, in any ministry, if there is no vested interest in a proposal, nobody is interested to push it forward and upward. It gets a silent burial.
Have’t YOU lobbied?
Everybody who snort self-righteously and bemoan the state-of-the-nation should ask themselves whether they have patiently waited for the school's decision in giving admission to their son or daughter. How many contacts they would have tapped into to reach the correspondent or the Head mistress?!
Don’t equate PR with lobbying
PR is much more than mere Lobbying. Content marketing or collaborative marketing using social media apart from traditional channels will become the mainstay of the PR industry.
Unfortunately, since PR industry has no entry criteria, the influencers who have no other apparent skills, cloak their murky services under the euphemism of PR. That provides them a formal front.
What the PR industry should do
Like the advertising industry which has unified to provide diploma courses, the PR industry should come together and make a curriculum. At least a short course will set the path for giving a semblance of professionalism and be a step in regaining respectability. 
SreeRam, Communications Consultant, Chennai, India.
TWEET - @kravMagaSreeRam